Example platfoms based on cooperativism
Last updated: December 3, 2019
Fairmondo is an online marketplace owned by its users. It is open to businesses as well as individuals, with no general restrictions on what products and services can be offered, except for illegal offers or offers deemed unacceptable by our members. By contrast, through the positive promotion of products that fulfill a set of criteria for “fairness,” Fairmondo makes it easy for users to shop in line with their values. These criteria are constantly open for discussion and improvement by members and the broader user base.
Gratipay offers payments and payrolls for open organizations via the Internet. Our value proposition is that we enable open organizations to comply with the global financial and legal system. We compete on mission because we ourselves are an open organization, and we compete on cost because our fees are pay-what-you-want through our own platform.
The goal of Coopify is to empower and assist low-income worker cooperative members and entrepreneurs through the power of technology. It provides three key benefits. First, Coopify creates a brand for the marketplace designed to engage consumers to hire low-income members of cooperative businesses, such as home-care workers and movers. This, in turn, drives the second benefit: more work for existing cooperative members and the ability to onboard new members into the cooperative. More worker members means a faster path to sustainability and increased purchasing power for cooperatives. And, third, Coopify will simplify tasks for cooperative members. Currently, cooperative members have little to no technology tailored to their needs and often rely on manual organization and phone calls to book appointments, receive payment, attend trainings, and other tasks. Coopify eliminates these cumbersome processes by allowing members to interface with the platform in their native language (such as Spanish or Mandarin), respond to customer requests by texts, manage their own schedules, and receive payment—all on their smartphone.
FairCoop is not about offering a specific service but building a full economic ecosystem for a postcapitalist society. In this sense, the ecosystem is what is going to be offered, offering individuals, collectives, cooperatives, and social companies a set of tools for connecting with and supporting each other and anyone aiming to make real, radical social change.
Resonate is building a streaming music platform with a truly unique listening model—“stream to own”—which helps casual listeners become dedicated fans. This platform in turn allows us to do something that no other service can claim to do: pay musicians directly for every single stream. The first stream of a particular song starts out really cheap, while repeat plays gradually increase in price until reaching the normal price of a regular download.
Loconomics Cooperative.
Loconomics Cooperative is an on-demand web and mobile app structured as a platform cooperative where the owners are local service professionals who use technology to connect to a community marketplace to grow their businesses.
NYC Real Estate Investment Cooperative
The New York City Real Estate Investment Cooperative (NYC REIC) is a democratic financial organization that exists to secure permanently affordable space for civic, small business, and cultural use. Consistent with the principles and spirit of the cooperative movement, the NYC REIC aims to make long-term, stabilizing, and transformative investments for the benefit of our member-owners and our communities. We will: assist communities in raising the capital they need; work with community-based organizations to plan and implement their real estate development projects; and support local community activism to ensure that the city emphasizes affordable, community-controlled commercial space in its land use decisions.